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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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A Design Procedure for Multi-Section Micro-Strip Wilkinson Power Divider with Arbitrary Dividing Ratio

( Volume 3 Issue 12,December 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Puria Salimi


In this article a desiegning procedure based on Chebyshev impedance matching is introduced to design coupled line Wilkinson power divider. The main objective in this paper is to introduce the simple procedure for Wilkinson power divider designing that can be used for both coupled and separated transmission lines. The Wilkinson power divider is mentioned as a four port network and even-odd mode analysis is used to calculate the characteristic impedances and resistor values. To clarify the advantages of this approach several designing for arbitrary dividing ratio with several coupling factor are done and the frequency response of some of them are compared together. The results show the simplicity of the introduced approach and also show the usability of this to use for coupled and decoupled Wilkinson power dividers.

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Total View : 875 | Downloads : 866 | Page No: 48-54 |

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