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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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A Lyapunov Function for the Dynamical Study of Axial Flow Compressor Dynamics

( Volume 8 Issue 1,January 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Der-Cherng Liaw, i-Feng Tsai


Axial flow compressor, Lyapunov function, stability.


This paper constructs a class of quadratic-type Lyapunov functions for the study of axial flow compressor dynamics. Based on Moore-Greitzer’s model proposed in 1986, conditions for local system stability is carried out via the proposed Lyapunov function for the compression system without considering the dynamics of stall wave. The domain of attraction for compression system is also analytically estimated. A sufficient condition is also obtained to guarantee the global stability of some un-stalled normal operating equilibria. Case study for both compressors with cubic axisymmetric characteristics and axisymmetric characteristic proposed by Liaw and Abed in 1991 are discussed to verify the usage of the analytical results. Numerical simulations for both cases are also obtained to demonstrate the main results.


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