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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Note on Projective Klingenberg Planes over Rings of Plural Numbers

( Volume 4 Issue 2,February 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Atilla Akpinar, Abdurrahman Dayıoglu, Isa Dogan, Bercem Boztemur, Derya Aslan, Zeynep Sena Gurel


This paper deals with a certain class of projective Klingenberg planes over the local ring F[η]/<η^{m}> with F an arbitrary field, known as the plural algebra of order m. In particular addition and multiplication of points on a line is defined geometrically and interpreted algebraically, by using the coordinate ring.


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Total View : 818 | Downloads : 809 | Page No: 103-105 |

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