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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Review of Cardiovascular Health At The Environment of The School

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Petsiou Elisavet, Lapousis George


The review of the scientific literature was the purpose of the article on the importance of interventions that can be made within in the environment of the school. School interventions were programs that were aimed at reducing the impact of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. These factors were the hypertension, the elevated levels of LDL-C and triglycerides, the low HDL-C levels, the obesity and the physical inactivity. It is known that these factors begin affect at the teens age, but the results are visible in adulthood. Several interventions have thrived and have been used by researchers in schools. The results were related to the duration of the intervention program, the age, the sex of the participants, as well as the content of the same intervention program. Many research results showed an improvement in the expected results, while in others there were no significant differences. Additional studies are needed to improve intervention programs in schools, which are aimed at reducing risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

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