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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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A Review of Different Secret Image Watermarking Technique

( Volume 3 Issue 1,January 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Vipra Bohara, Sandeep Toshniwal


In this paper, we discussed several different techniques use on digital image watermarking.The enlargement of internet and availability of the network incomputer now adays provide facility of multimedia data during passing information over the transmission medium. In this regularly developing society of the internet if using the traditional digital image watermarking technology doesn’t have the capability to provide security from intentionally or may unintentionally attacks. So multimedia data received conveniently without suffering the losses of information. The repercussion of these application create moderation and distribution of the illegal information easily for the uncertified parties. The technique of digital watermarking come into existence to vanquish these authentications issue. So watermarking is one of the solution come to salvage for protection from the unlawful operation like forgery, duplicity, modifying data content, copyright-violation. The digital based content can be protected by using watermarking. So digital watermarking is basically an embedding or hiding data technique. This data may in form of image, audio, text or video. In this paper we point two categories of digital image watermarking via spatial domain and frequency domain. We mainly focused to describe variety of techniques applied on digital image. The comprehensive set of experimental results through variety of the watermarking techniques on digital image, which is showing that their proposed method has superiority and provide improved performance of the watermarking algorithms in comparison with the previously proposed methods. These approaches having the ability to withstand against variety of image processing attacks such as salt and pepper noise, JPEG compression, Gaussian noise, some filtering attacks as median filtering, Conv filtering (Gaussian filtering and sharpening), some geometric structure distortion attacks as bending cropping, resizing and rotating. These schemes output performed to measure imperceptibility and its Robustness with Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) values.

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