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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Review of Digital Image Processing in Biomedical Application

( Volume 9 Issue 3,March 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Vipra Bohara, Honey Agarwal, Lokesh Sharma, Devendra Sharma, Deepak Shankhala, Rakesh Kardam


Digital Image Processing, Acquisition, Segmentation, Enhancement


Biomedical Medical imaging is the process of experienced dramatic expansion and then producing visible images of inner structures of the body for scientific and medicinal study and treatment as well as a visible view of the function of interior tissues. This medical imaging plays a necessary role on a daily basis. it is absolutely mandatory when tracking the progress of an ongoing illness. MRI's and CT scans allow the doctor to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and adjust protocols as necessary. This Biomedical Medical imaging has been an interdisciplinary research field attracting expertise from applied mathematics, computer sciences, engineering, statistics, physics, biology and medicine.

 Whereas in medical reports the detailed information generated by medical imaging provides patients with better, more comprehensive care. This chapter summarizes fundamental steps in digital image processing as well utilization and benefit of digital image processing techniques in bio-medical field.

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