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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Review on Traffic Regulation on Highway Intersection

( Volume 6 Issue 11,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jagdish Nagdev, Kainat Jawed


channelized, traffic, intersections, pedestrian, transport.


For the efficient and effective management and control of transport networks when traffic operations are saturated a firm understanding of the importance of intersections within a road network is a key factor. Basic indices (e.g. level of service, degree of saturation, capacity or delay) reflect the states of an intersection itself, but lack the ability to describe the influences among the intersections within a road network. Construction of flyover at intersection is one method to reduce traffic congestion at a grade intersection. The flyover allows the traffic to flow in the direction of bridge, but this infrastructure cannot fully solve all the problems especially on the secondary roads. For more safety and efficiency, Channelized intersection are used. It reduces the number of possible conflicts by reducing the area of conflicts available in a carriageway. If channelizing is not provided the driver will not be able to reduce the speed while entering the intersection from the carriageway. while passing through the intersection, presence of traffic islands, markings etc. indicates the driver to reduce the speed and become more cautious. These islands also serve as a safety for pedestrians and makes pedestrian crossing safer. Existing of bottlenecks at intersections is a major problem in India and traffic congestion on major roads depend on it.

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