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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

A Review on Wireless Sensor Node for Simultaneous Monitoring of Health Parameters in Dengue Patients

( Volume 5 Issue 8,August 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Shikha kamboo, Vipra Bohara, Laxmi Narayam Balai


The wide speed enhancements & accepitance of wireless communication & networking techniques & miniatiazation of electronic circuits has created an ever increasing demand for automatic monitaning & logging of various processes & parameters human physiological & vital parameters also need tabe monifored & logged especially in the case of  elderly chonically ill or ander intensive case WBAN (wireless body area network) technologies are emerging day by day to provide for automated monitaning of various vital& non vitsl parameter of the human body the sfandarsds for medical WBAN are defined as IEEE 802.15.6   &IEEE802.15.6 WBAN allowe for weareable non invasive miniaturized sensor nodes to monitor various parameter & human baby  functions   this technology has the potiential to revobionize medice and allied industries especially telemedicine. Dengue ,is a vector generated disecase ,a type of painful fever ,with canse quential and life threating effects as sudden drop in blood pallet .this work is aimed at autenatic monitoring and logging of various vital parrameters of a dengue patient ,who needs continous monitaring ,The propased system ,implements measurement and software defined filtering of ECG Signals along with acquisition of temprature ,Spoz ,& Blood pressure (Systalic and Diastolic ) .All these parrameters are accquired by the sensor mode & Sent to the central service over TCP/IP protocol .The server also in corporades on artifical never all net work ,which analyzes all the parrameters and predicts patient over all health status and generates alomms in case of emmergencies.

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