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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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A Review Study on Internet of thing and their Applications

( Volume 7 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Pratik Nama, Shubhankar Dey, Ankit Kumar Tiwari


history of Iot, application of Iot, hardware and software of Iot. Languages used in Iot


The word “Internet” was developed a long time ago in 1999 and every year it is gaining heights in the modern world. The internet is upgrading and changing with time and evolution at the same time. In other words, with the passage of time, the internet has been changing. Different technologies with different features and properties are gaining people’s attention, this is the reason the internet of things gains this milestone in this very short period of time. According to studies and research we have to focus on the term “Internet of Things”. Current Iot technologies have improved in recent years, but still, we have to give attention to improve more.  The future of the Iot is very good, changes are coming from time to time in the iot, which is known as the internet of things correcting the flaw. Many problems also need attention iot is searching for new updates of the research to be carried out.

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