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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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A Simple Method to Obtain the Generation Lifetime in MOS Capacitors

( Volume 4 Issue 6,June 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

O. Malik, F. Temoltzi-Avila, F. J. De la Hidalga-W


This paper describes a new simple method for the estimation of the generation lifetime in MOS capacitors fabricated on high resistivity silicon substrates. In this method, the transition between the strong inversion initial steady state and the non-equilibrium deep depletion state occurs by applying a triangular gate voltage. The mathematical model of the proposed method is presented. The generation lifetime value, τg = 517 ± 40 µs, obtained with our current-triangular sweep voltage method agrees with the 510 ± 30 ms value obtained by the C-t Zerbst method, and the 517 ± 15 ms value obtained by using the I-C-t characteristics for a pulsed MOS capacitor. The results obtained in this work show that the proposed simple method is useful as an express monitoring tool for an estimation of the generation lifetime.


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