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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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A Study of Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna for Wireless Application

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Haydar M. Al-Tamimi, Salah Mahdi


In This study an introduction to the reconfigurable antenna technology is presented. After that a discussion about the main advantages and disadvantages of the reconfigurable antennain addition to the most important applications that can be used with the reconfiguring techniques, studyingthe history of this technology with a brief literature survey is explained. A detailed description for this technique with examples and background information are specified, reviewing the different reconfigurable antenna components,which can be used in an antenna to adjust its construction and functionality. These reconfigurable antenna techniques are grouped with a different classification methods to explain whichever established on the physical modification of the reconfigurable antenna radiating component, or on the integration of micro-electro-mechanical structures (RF-MEMS), varactors, PIN diodes, photoconductive components, or on the function of smart materials like ferrites and liquid crystals, etc.

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Total View : 837 | Downloads : 828 | Page No: 125-134 |

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