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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

A Study on Classification Algorithms and Performance Analysis of Data Mining using Cancer Data to Predict Lung Cancer Disease

( Volume 3 Issue 11,November 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

E. SathiyaPriya, Dr. S. Mary venila


In the field of Healthcare, cancer diagnosis is the challenging problems and also many of the research has focused to improve the performance to get a satisfactory results in the particular area. To diagnose a Lung cancer is a difficult  tasks in medical research. To overcome this challenging task, the many researchers use data mining techniques were applied to predict the many type of diseases. In this research we studied and make comparison of different classification  to classify and predict the lung cancer disease. In this research work using Naïve Bayes classification algorithm, SVM (Support Vector Machine) algorithm, KNN algorithm, and J48 algorithm. By using a classification algorithms it  produces a different results for the lung cancer datasets in this research. The quality of the result has measured depends on correct and incorrect instances that are correctly classified by a classification techniques.

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