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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Study on Partial Replacement of Cement with Coconut Shell Ash and Egg Shell Powder in M-45 Grade Concrete

( Volume 6 Issue 12,December 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Deepak Kumar, Mukesh Choudhary, Dr. Bharat Nagar


High strength concrete, compressive strength, mix design, (CSA) and egg shell powder workability, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength


In this study development of concrete by making an efficient mix design with few mineral admixtures tends for high strength concrete. The development of the mix design method plays a key role in concrete technology. It involves the process of experimental determination of the most appropriate concrete mixtures to achieve maximum resistance with at least economic costs. This study represents the influence of (CSA) and egg shell powder. (CSA) and egg shell powder mixed in cement concrete for the workability and strength for concrete, adding few percentages of (CSA) and egg shell powder into ordinary Portland cement with removing that much percentage of ordinary Portland cement 5% to 25% by total weight of OPC. In this study total Twenty-four trial mix, control mix and variation mix were prepared for and M45 of concrete to find out Compressive strength 7 days and 28 days by cube, Flexural strength 28 days by beam & Splitting Tensile strength 28 days by Cylinder, then strength was found on the basis of result (CSA) and egg shell powder concrete compared to normal concrete

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