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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Transdermal Oxygen Therapy in Healing Bedsore Among Neurological Patient in Selected Hospital of Guwahati, Assam

( Volume 3 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. UnmonaBorgohain, Ms. Vive S Chishi, Mrs. Ranju Das


OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of transdermal oxygen therapy in healing bedsore and also to find out the association with the selected demographic variable such as age, gender, diagnosis, duration of diagnosis and wound stage.

Design, setting: A pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used. Purposive sampling technique was used for obtaining 30 neurological patients with bedsore of selected Hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. Pre-test and post test score of the sample were assessed by using PUSH tool score. 

Measurement: The technique used by the investigator in the study was Measurement and observation checklist.  The pre-test score of the bedsore was measured using the PUSH tool on the first day before starting with the oxygen therapy and then dressing was applied over the bedsore. From the next day onwards for seven consecutive days’ post test score of the bedsore ulcer were taken and 14 observations were made.


 Out of 30 samples majority 19 (63.33%), were in the age group of more than 51years, 18 (60%) were males, 19 (63.33%) were diagnosed with stroke, 17 (63.33%) were hospitalized for more than 3 weeks, 18 (60%) were diagnosed for more than 2 months, 26 (86.66%) has no history of diabetes mellitus and 18 (60%) were in the third stage pressure ulcer. Majority of the samples 30 (100%) has shown improvement in the healing process of pressure ulcer. The mean before and after intervention were 11 and 7 respectively. The transdermal oxygen therapy was effective which was proved by paired t test at 0.05 level of significance as the calculated value of “t” was 27.75 respectively was highly significant at 0.05 % level. So, it signifies that the transdermal oxygen therapy helps in healing the pressure ulcer.  There was no association of the pressure ulcer with any of the associated demographic variables

Keywords: Transdermal oxygen therapy, pressure ulcer,neurological patients, Critical Care


  • Pressure ulcers develops in neurological patients is result of complex and multi factorial approach
  • Nurses can provide better care to the client with bedsore to fasten the healing process.
  • The transdermal oxygen therapy is effective for rapid healing of pressure sore
  • Nurses can also put greater emphasis on the prevention of pressure ulcer in the client.  

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