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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Body Image Changes Due To Pregnancy and Breastfeeding among Primigravidae

( Volume 7 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mrs. Prathibha N J


pregnancy and breastfeeding, primigravida.


A study was undertaken to assess the  knowledge  on body image changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding among primigravidae  at KIMS hospital, Bangalore. The objectives of the study were : To assess the level of knowledge of primigravidae on body image changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. To find an association between knowledge  of primigravidae on body image changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding with selected demographic variables. A descriptive research design was used to assess the knowledge  on body image changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding among primigravidae. The target population for the study were selected from primigravida mothers who were attending OBG OPD, KIMS Hospital, Bangalore. This population was selected by convenient sampling technique. The total samples under the study were 60 primigravida mothers. The data collection was made through semi structured questionnaire , was designed to assess the knowledge of primigravida mothers on body image changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. The results were described by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The overall findings of the study clearly showed that majority 67% (40) of subjects had moderate knowledge. The results revealed that information to empower mothers with adequate knowledge on body image changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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