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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing Challenges and Solutions

( Volume 7 Issue 3,March 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ghadeer Alwafi, Mona Alrougi, Rahaf Alsulami, Shaimaa Salama


Mobile cloud computing; computation offloading; energy consumption; heterogeneity; bandwidth; security; privacy.


In the last few years, mobile devices support different types of applications, many of which require high computing power. This is considered a problem since mobile devices provide limited computing power, storage, and energy. Fortunately, cloud computing (CC) is rapidly becoming known as the computing world’s latest technology. CC allows users to use unlimited dynamic resources when required. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) integrates the concept of cloud computing within the mobile environment, which removes barriers associated with mobile devices’ performance. These benefits of MCC are not completely problem-free. But there are still many challenges facing MCC that must be addressed in order to enable ubiquitous deployment and adoption. This survey paper has done a comprehensive review of the research papers through search engines such as Google Scholar, IEEE, ScienceDirect, SCOPUS, and Research Gate to find MCC’s challenges and solutions exist in the field. The survey paper intended to present the most common challenges including computation offloading, energy consumption, heterogeneity, bandwidth, security, and privacy with solutions proposed by various researchers. The paper finds that most of the solutions presented in 2016 and earlier. Computation offloading solutions focused on energy consumption and vice versa, privacy solutions focused on authentication mainly, heterogeneity and bandwidth solutions are old and require further research and new solutions.


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