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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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A Survey on Android Malware Detection

( Volume 2 Issue 12,December 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nirmala Yadav,Aditi Sharma,Amit Doegar


Malwares are spreading around the world and infecting not only the end users but also large organizations and service providers. Android operating system seems to have attracted the most attention from malicious code writer due to its popularity. Earlier, Signature based detection techniques were used to detect unknown malwares. But it was insufficient because these techniques were not able to detect unknown malwares (0-day attack). To analyze the malwares, static and dynamic techniques are used. Static analysis has advantage of being undetectable, as malware cannot modify its behavior during analysis. Despite number of detections and analysis techniques are in place, high detection accuracy of new malwares are still a critical issue. This survey paper highlights the existing detection and existing analysis methods used for the android malicious code.

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