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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Adaptive Transmission Power Control for IEEE 802.11 Direct-Link Communication

( Volume 9 Issue 6,June 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tain-Lieng Kao, Guan-Hsiung Liaw, Ching-Hsiang Chuang


Transmission Power Control, IEEE 802.11z, ATPC.


The Direct-Link transmission mechanism of IEEE 802.11z enables point-to-point data transfer between the source and destination without the need for data to be relayed through an Access Point. In current IEEE 802.11 related products, the transmission of all data packets is mainly done at maximum power. While this strategy ensures fair channel allocation among all nodes, it may result in wasted energy and reduced reuse of channel space. Therefore, the power used when transmitting the packet is properly adjusted so that the node can select a suitable energy when sending the packet. In this way, the mutual interference between nodes can be reduced, unnecessary power consumption can be saved, and the spatial reuse rate of channels can be further improved.

This paper proposes an adaptive transmission power control, named ATPC algorithm, which modifies IEEE 802.11 to select appropriate transmission power when sending packets, so as to reduce mutual interference between nodes. ATPC algorithm does improve space reuse rate and save limited energy of nodes.


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