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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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ADHD Influences throughout a Diagnosed Person's Lifespan A Literature Review

( Volume 5 Issue 7,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Phillip D. Clingan


The qualitative review discusses Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the developmental influences of ADHD throughout a diagnosed person’s lifespan. The literature review examines and contrasts the negative and specific impacts of ADHD. A small literature review is focusing on the issue acted on elementary and secondary sources, which retrieved from education archives and diverse psychological sources of data such as University libraries. The central question behind the research is what challenges does a person diagnosed with ADHD face as they begin the various stages of lifespan? According to the literature review, ADHD is a compound and heterogeneous neurodevelopment disorder with no curative treatment. The disorder encompasses cognitive-behavioral components, which include inappropriate stages of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The review provides an academic platform for scholars and clinical psychologists. Despite limited studies of aging diagnosed patients, considerable advances toward understanding the disorder provide coping strategies throughout all lifespans of human development. Most ADHD practices are in a continual state of adjustment and progress, as evidenced by developments as evidence in the limited studies considering the specifics regarding patients between ages 50-70 and morbidity challenges. There is a substantial demand for future research on the overall impacts and contrasts each person diagnosed with ADHD face throughout the lifespan. Each diagnosed person sufferers’ different spectrums of the disorder throughout the development of life. Further research will yield the challenging light on the different stages of life, and to further improve therapies for obesity, sleep apnea, depression, diminished employment, untimely deaths from accidents, and diminished quality of life.


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