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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Adoption of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) for Informatics Institute Postgraduate Studies Open Journal System (OJS)

( Volume 5 Issue 10,October 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rana Saeed Hamdi, Prof. Dr. Rafah Shihab Al-Hamdani


The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a collective of academics, librarians, has been, since 1998, building open source software (free) publishing platforms that create an alternative path to commercial and subscription-based routes to scholarly communication. It sets out how its various website platforms, including Open Journal Systems, Open Conference Systems, and, recently, Open Monograph Press, provide a guided path through the editorial workflow of submission, review, editing, publishing and indexing. Thousands of faculty members around the world are now using the software to publish independent journals on a peer-reviewed and Open Access basis, greatly increasing the public and global contribution of research and scholarship.

        Informatics Institute Postgraduate Studies Journal (IIPSJ) publishes research and scholarly contributions that inform the development, implementation, and evaluation of research, education .

    IIPSJ  provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge in the form of high-quality research papers and to improve ranking of Iraq in technological field over the world, researcher’s names, and make huge library for Iraqi students can use it on their studies.

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