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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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An Experimentation Framework for Project- Based Learning in Electronics

( Volume 3 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

O. A. Ogungbenro, G. A. Chukwudebe, F. K., Opara G. N. Ezeh


In this paper, an Experimentation Framework for project-based learning in Electronics is developed to bridge the gap in practical electronics mastery amongst undergraduates of electrical engineering. The framework comprises of an Electronics Laboratory Trainer (AEL-350) and a practical handbook. The All-in-One Electronics Laboratory Trainer (AEL-350) can be used for the conventional hardware experiments, in addition to component emulation where the components are not easily available.  Additionally, the practical handbook which doubles as a manual and a tutorial is written for the Laboratory Trainer. Microcontrollers and multiple displays formed the heart of the design of the Electronics Laboratory Trainer. Proteus, Livewire and Eagle PCB Simulation software were used for circuit design and simulation. Also MIDE compiler was used to debug the embedded C Program. The AEL-350 Trainer has several on-board components and sensors, multiple-outputs double rail power supply unit, 8-bit TTL outputs and inputs, de-bounced clock, peripheral interface controller and double-sized breadboard to make it flexible for users to perform up to 350 experiments and projects for mastery of electronics design and implementation. The AEL-350 is portable, with a dimension of 36cm x 35cm.

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