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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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An Exploratory Study To Assess The Knowledge Regarding Disaster Preparedness Among People of Selected Community

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Prof. Sheetal saxena, Prof Aradhna Michael, Dr Usha Ukande


Among various kinds of disasters, flooding is unique in the sense that it has a very high degree of predictability, both in the short term, as well as long term. Floods can have devastating consequence and can have effects on the economy, environment and people. Though  flood situations cannot be entirely prevented but steps can be taken to prevent or minimize injury, loss and speed the recovery process. Present study is an effort to assess the knowledge regarding disaster preparedness. During the study it has been found that majority of the sample had average knowledge regarding disaster preparedness but they were not prepared to deal with disaster i.e. flood situation.

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