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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

An Overview of Mobile Robots Applications

( Volume 9 Issue 12,December 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Branko Novakovic, Josip Kasac, Danko Brezak


Mobile robots, Multipotential field, Micro - nano robots, Quantization of robot trajectory.


Do we can control of the autonomous robot motion in the more different potential fields? As the answer to this question here it is presented a few methods of the control of the autonomous robots motion in the following fields: a) radial mass density field, b) two-potential electromagnetic and gravitational field, c) control of micro-nano robots motion in multi-potential field, d) quantization of autonomous robot motion in electromagnetic and gravitational fields and e) control of nano-robots motion in multi-potential field. The other possibilities of application of the radial mass density theory to autonomous robot motion are also discussed. The application of the presented theory to control of the micro-nano robot motion is also pointed out. Finally, using the previous methods one can precisely control of the autonomous robot motions on and in the Earth, Ocean and Air.


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