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Analysis and Improvement Business Process of Issuance Surat Tagihan Pajak at KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Dua

( Volume 8 issue 7,July 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Isak Heri Siswanto, Tukhas Shilul Imaroh


STP publishing productivity, waste, streamlining, business process improvement.


The Pratama Jakarta Tax Service Office Kebayoran Baru Dua (KPP KB Dua) is one of the vertical units of the Directorate General of Taxes whose task is to serve the fulfillment of tax administration for taxpayers in the Kebayoran Baru district. One of the tasks of KPP KB Dua is to supervise payment compliance and/or reporting of taxpayers' tax returns (SPT). Surat Tagihan Pajak (STP) is one of the products produced in this supervision activity. In the period 2016 – 2020 KPP KB Dua on average was able to issue 51.1% of STPs of the total number of STPs that should have been issued. There are several problems that cause there are still many STPs that have not been issued, especially related to the STP issuance workflow. Initial research shows that there are several forms of waste in the STP issuance workflow. The time required to issue 1 STP using the as-is business process is 32 minutes. To increase the productivity of STP issuance, it is necessary to improve the STP issuance workflow using the streamlining method of the STP issuance workflow. The results of the research show that the completion time of STP issuance using the to-be business process is 7 minutes, so it can save 25 minutes of STP issuance completion time per STP.


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