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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Analysis of Crack on Aeroplane Wing at Different Positions using ANSYS Software

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Hrushikesh N. Paricharak, Aditya A. Lotake, Sudhakar V. Mane, Darshan R. Gaikwad, Rushikesh H. Vastre, Digambar T. kashid


The present study revivals the analysis of crack on aeroplane wing at different positions. Also states the deformation of wing structure against the different positions of crack on aeroplane wing. For this study the NACA 4412 Clark-y profile is used to generate aerofoil shape of aeroplane A320. Again the model is generated in CATIA v5 R21 software for further analysis. The ANSYS is used to carry out harmonic response analysis for prediction of deformation against pre loading condition at different positions of crack on wing. This shows the variation in results for different positions of cracks on wing to decide the maximum deformation of wing structure.


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