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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Analysis of Crimes Against Women in India between Years 2001 - 2015

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ronakh Thaikkat


The motivation behind this report is to break down the wrongdoings conferred against women in India between years 2001 – 2015 and specifically those violating section 375: Intercourse with a woman without her assent or will.  

This report covers the insights of crimes perpetrated against women in each state, the increase/decrease in the crime rate in each state between the mentioned years (2001-2015), the relation between the casualties and the offenders, the age groups of the victims that the offenders target the most. 

According to 2015, the number of cases of evidence announced against women have practically multiplied since that of the year 2001. It has been expanding in every state each year. Madhya Pradesh has been the state that had the most number of cases followed by West Bengal. The states with minimal violations against women are Manipur and Sikkim. [note that population is not taken into consideration here]

From the charts that are appeared towards the finish of the report, clearly, women between ages 18-29 are targeted the most. Kids under the age of 6 had also been casualties of assault.

The graphs taking after that demonstrate the connection of the victims to the offenders. 96% of the casualties knew the offenders somehow. Neighbors and individuals who promised to marry their victims secured a vast bit of this graph.   

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