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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Analysis of Developments on Mechanical Properties of 7xxx Series Aluminum Alloys: A Review

( Volume 7 Issue 10,October 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Yogesh Dubey, Dr. Pankaj Sharma, Dr. M. P. Singh


Transmission Microscopy, 7xxx Series, Electro-Probe Microanalyzer, Electron Back Scattered Diffraction, aerospace engineering.


This paper analysis some studies of 7xxx series of high strength aluminum alloy and a trial has been made to focus on the processing, heat treatment, properties and applications of the 7xxx Al alloy from the present literature on the 7xxx alloy. The properties of mechanical having fatigue, tensile and fracture hardness properties which further discussed and timely supported and analyzing the experimental data. The main consequences are strain corrosion exfoliation and cracking corrosion and they are also reviewed mainly. The black color anodic coatings are generally used on aerospace self-propelled vehicles for thermo-optical properties and discussed their chemical characteristics of that black colored anodic thin films with mechanical and thermoplastic properties, and all this is considered as a main function of all operational conditions of particular method. There are few samples which were welded by traditionally methods using solo sides and bobbing tool friction stir welding processes considering different parameters of welding. There were compressive behavior and processing maps of cast, as-cast and extruded 7075 Al alloy taking identical grain size of 310-360 µm which further studied and equated with references. There are some works reported the fabrication of Al alloy 7075 with corundum Al2O3 particles of corundum and B4C considering stir casting methodology. After this the recrystallization nature of 7085 Al alloy in particular period of hot compression at many stages temperaturesrange of 563−733 K and strain rates of 0.011−10 s−1 which was tested using Electro-Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA), Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) and Transmission microscopy (TEM). The main influences after considering ageing temperatures over mechanical properties, precipitation and corrosion behavior features of 7085 Al alloy and were investigated using intergranular corrosion tests, transmission microscopy, tensile testing and polarization curve measurement observation. Main aim of conducting this type of review analysis is to realize the fact of higher understanding of all parameters which are further governing the fatigue crack effects and discontinuities to facilitate the larger prediction of lifecycle of fatigueness.

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