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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Analysis Of Factors Affecting Consumer Intention In Using Environmentally Friendly Products

( Volume 8 Issue 4,April 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ika Wulandari Ridwan, Arif Hartono


Environmentally friendly products, social approval, ease of use, risk, and behavioral intention


This study aims to determine what factors influence consumer intentions to use environmentally friendly products. This research is a quantitative research with 300 respondents who are users of Philips My Care Led Bulb products. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical analysis, SEM (Steuctural Equation Model) analysis, and PLS (Partial Least Square). The results show that social approval variables have a positive effect on consumer attitudes, social approval also has a positive effect on behavioral intention, ease of use has a positive and significant impact on consumer attitudes, while ease of use has a positive but not significant effect on behavioral intention, and risk has a positive effect on consumer attitudes. and also behavioral intentions. Attitude has a positive and significant effect on behavioral intention.


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