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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Analysis of Internet Censorship and Its Appliance in Afghanistan

( Special Issue VIT Campus,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mohammad Salem Hamidi, Baldev Singh


Censorship - Block- content block, internet censorship, filtering, anti-censorship, Internet service providers


Internet censorship is a most discussed part of internet and its users; it applies the roles and technics to block specified websites and domains. It’s considerable for internet users to know their use of internet in a legal way of use to save the society norms and culture. The censorship of internet requires software and hardware tools and technics used by the level of country, ISPs, organizations and user. The appliance of technics is troublesome for each part of these levels, but they must attempt at their level of expertise. My research paper described the real act of government and Internet service providers against the censorship of internet, their use of content filtering software, monitoring of user usage of internet, and the end user applications for censoring actions and their expectancies and anti-censorship actions they would follow against censorship. This paper is useful for ISPs and organizations to accurate their internet censorship and complete the demands of users.

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