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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Analysis Of Road Transport Impact On Rural Development In Nigeria : A Study On Akure North Local Government Area, Ondo State

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS



Rural transportation is a significant channel of ensuring effective movement of rural people and the collection and exchange of goods and services to enhance rural economy and development in Nigeria. This study was aimed at assessing road transportation impact on rural development, with a view to determine the contributions of road transport to rural development. Eight settlements were selected randomly in the study area with total population of 2,651 (1991 population census). This was projected to year 2015 and amounted to 4,794 at which 5% was taken as sample size. This translated to 240. Therefore, 240 questionnaires were administered in the study area. Systematic Sampling technique was used for the questionnaire administration. Findings from the study revealed that the rural roads are in poor condition which has influence on the cost of transporting farm produce and economy of the area. Recommendations were made to improve the existing road condition of the study area; Local Government Council should be equipped with finance, personnel and equipment to manage and maintain rural roads to ensure effective movement and Federal and State Governments should embark on various policiessuch as upgrading and maintenance of rural road, rural empowerment and development, rural infrastructure improvement and development towards enhancing rural development in Nigeria.

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