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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Analysis of Steel Made Leaf Spring using FEA Tool ANSYS

( Volume 1 Issue 2,June 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mahendra Sharma, Pawan Sharma, Sumit Sharma


Mathematical and computer modelling have been playing an increasingly important role in the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) process of many products in the last 60 years. Simulation offers great advantages in the development and analysis phase of products and offers a faster, better and more cost effective way than using physical prototypes alone. This paper analyses the mechanics characteristic of a composite leaf spring made from glass fibre reinforced plastics using the ANSYS software. Considering interleaf contact, the stress distribution and deformation are obtained. Taking the single spring as an example, comparison between the performance of the GFRP and the steel spring is presented. The comparison results show that the composite spring has lower stresses and much lower weight. Then the automotive dead weight is reduced observably.

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