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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Analytical Method for Plate Damage Prediction in Ship Collisions

( Volume 4 Issue 7,July 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rodrigo Michels, Breno Barra, Edson Roberto De Pieri, Hazim Ali Al-Qureshi


The present paper proposes analytical expressions allowing the prediction of damage in different scenarios of collisions involving ship structures. The internal mechanics of the collision is described by a theory of plastic deformation based on the penetration of projectiles on metallic plates. A theoretical model is presented for the analysis of stranding and bulbous bow collision or objects with similar profile, such as underwater gliders or rocks, with structures of the ship hull. The model takes into account the collision energy to calculate the final displacement on the hull, considering the profile of the striking object, the hardening effect and the equivalent thickness method to account for stiffeners contribution. Experimental data found in literature were used to validate the model and limitations are discussed. The comparison of the calculations and literature data revealed that the model predictions were in good agreement in several collision scenarios.

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