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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Anti-Histaminic Activity of Kaphaketu Rasa on Histamin Induced Bronhcospasm in Guinea Pigs

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr.B B Joshi, Dr.Pradeep Agnihotri, Dr.Anitha Joshi, Dr.A R Kulkarni


Kaphaketu rasa is a classical organomineral preparation used for Prateeshaya, Kasa, Shwasa and other respiratory disorders. It is a Khalveeya Rasayana Judicially containing shodhita Vatsanabha(Aconitum ferox), Shodhita Tankana(Borax), Pippali(Piper Longum), Shanka Bhasma(Calyx of Conch) & Ardraka Swarasa Bhavana (Juice of Ginger) for 3 timesAccording to modern science Rhinitis, Bronchitis, Bronchial asthma, are the similar conditions, where in Kaphaketu Rasa is very effective clinically. Pathophsiologically histamine secretion and activity will be more in majority of the allergic disorders. Hematological examination reveals raised Absolute Esoinophilic count.The formula is in clinical practice very effectively in aforesaid disorders. The claims of Ayurveda ought to be validated by suitable animal models with scientific parameters. Hence to get more documentary evidences updating of the knowledge and to get more scientifically confidence in Ayurvedic science the present study was carried out.The Kaphaketu Rasa showed statistically significant at P<0.001. Guinea pige were fed with Kaphaketu rasa by oral route once a day for 5 days. Kaphaketu Rasa significantly extended the latent period of pre-convulsive Dyspnoea (PCD) as compared with control group. 

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