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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Application of Full Factorial Approach for Determining Impact of Parameters on Helical Compression Spring

( Volume 5 Issue 9,September 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Narendra Kumar, Love Kishore Sharma, Bhupendra Verma, Anil Kumar Sharma


Helical Compression Springs finds wide application in automobiles as shock absorbers. Springs stores the energy of deformation due to applied load and retain its original position, shape or size after the load is removed. Springs can be further classified as leaf springs, torsion springs. The basic design parameters for spring manufacturing consists of spring index, pitch, free length, wire diameter, flat ends, circular ends, number of turns etc. Various research scholars have performed successful investigation on springs with different software packages.

Our end goal in present work is to determine relationship between wire diameter and number of turns on load bearing capacity. The concept of Full Factorial Design is studied for obtaining the desired result. Pareto Chart along with OVAT analysis shows impact of factors on response. Further ANOVA analysis is carried out for determining the validity of the proposed model.


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