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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Application of Ordinance No 78/2009 and Employee Training in Food and Beverage Service To Hotels

( Volume 2 Issue 3,March 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jacqueline Valle de Bairros, Lucia Rota Borges, Elizabete Helbig


The study aimed to conduct a diagnosis of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of food and beverage sector of hotels in Pelotas/RS and interventions based on the concepts of Best Practices. During the period of September 2012 to January 2013, a diagnostic of hygienic sanitary conditions through the application of the Ordinance No. 78/2009 check list and an intervention through a training course for food handlers was conducted. It was calculated the percentage of adequacy of hotels, as a very good level (Group 1) above 90%, from 75% to 90% as a good level (Group 2), acceptable level between 50% and 75% (Group 3) and below 50% as unsatisfactory level (Group 4). The main results showed an increase of the percentage of the items covered after the intervention in two of the hotels, demonstrating that the training may have contributed to the improvement of hygienic sanitary conditions in them. The improvement of some items was also verified when analyzed in individual blocks from the check list after the training in each hotel. Nevertheless, it was also noticed that there still are several inadequacies, demonstrating the need for greater attention from those responsible for food and beverage services in hotels.

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