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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Application of Weight Product Algorithm to Determine the Best Criteria Value in an Employee Recruitment

( Volume 9 Issue 12,December 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dhio Petra Hotdlen, Moh. Ali Romli


Weighted Product (WP), Web, Job Vacancy, Application, System


The employee selection process is one of the important aspects of human resource management in a company. However, the lack of access to information on the availability of a list of vacancies that provides a clear assessment or ranking of the suitability of candidate qualifications with job requirements. This application was developed using web technology so that it can be accessed via a computer or smartphone via an internet connection. Web-based application development is carried out to increase the efficiency of a company's selection. Using this method, the application will combine relevant criteria such as education, work experience, technical skills, and interpersonal skills. Each criterion will be given a weight according to its level of importance in candidate selection. This method also involves multiplying the weight of the criteria with the candidate's score on each criterion, and summing the results of the multiplication for each candidate. The results of this ranking will make it easier for companies to determine the best candidates who meet the selection criteria. The development of employee selection applications using the web-based Weight Product method will help companies manage the selection process more effectively, efficiently, and accurately.



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