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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Applying Dijkstras Algorithm in Routing Process

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nitin Gupta, Kapil Mangla,Anand Kumar Jha ,Md. Umar


Network is defined as a combination of two or more nodes which are connected with each other. It allows nodes to exchange data from each other along the data connections. Routing is a process of finding the path between source and destination upon request of data transmission. There are various routing algorithms which helps in determining the path and distance over the network traffic. For routing of nodes, we can use many routing protocols. Dijkstra’s algorithm is one of the best shortest path search algorithms. Our focus and aim is to find the shortest path from source node to destination node. For finding the minimum path this algorithm uses the connection matrix and weight matrix Thus, a matrix consisting of paths from source node to each node is formed. We then choose a column of destination from path matrix formed and we get the shortest path. In a similar way, we choose a column from a mindis matrix for finding the minimum distance from source node to destination node. It has been applied in computer networking for routing of systems and in google maps to find the shortest possible path from one location to another location. 

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Total View : 923 | Downloads : 914 | Page No: 122-124 |

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