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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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India | Germany | France | Japan

Assessment of Irrigation Potential Utilization in Major Irrigation Project Using Geospatial Data

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Muthyam Shanker


Many irrigation projects were constructed in India post-independence period spending huge resources. However, there is a gap existing between Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) and Irrigation Potential Utilized (IPU). The reliable data on IPU under different irrigation projects is not readily available because of various reasons. Several studies were carried out for mapping of irrigated area at regional and global scale using coarse resolution satellite data but not at project level.  Also, to assess IPU in an irrigation project, needs season wise irrigated area. Therefore, in the present study, multi-temporal medium resolution satellite data of Landsat-8  OLI (30m) coupled with other geospatial data of the project command area is used for assessment of IPU in a major irrigation project. The methodology proposed in the present study, can be upscaled to cover all the Major and Medium (M&M) irrigation projects in a river basin / State.  This information is useful for taking remedial measures to achieve full I.P. utilization at project, river basin / Sate level.

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