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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Attitudes of Tutors on ICT Integration in Teaching Kiswahili in Public Primary Teachers Colleges in Kenya, the Case of Rift Valley Region

( Volume 3 Issue 10,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rebecca Wanjiku-Omollo, Dr. Simon Wanami, Dr. Mosol Kandagor


This paper is a report of a study carried out in 2017 in Public Primary Teachers,’ Colleges (PTCs) in Kenya, Rift Valley Region. The study sought to establish the attitudes of tutors on ICT integration in teaching Kiswahili in PTCs and was guided by Social Cultural Theory (SCT). The inquiry employed sequential mixed methods design and pragmatic philosophical paradigm.  Purposive sampling was used to select five PTCs, 36 tutors, all second year student teachers, five Deans of Curriculum and Director e-Learning at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD); stratified random sampling was used to get 232 student teachers from the colleges. Data was collected using questionnaire, structured observation and interview schedule.  Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively, presented using tables and bar graphs in frequencies and percentages while qualitative data was analyzed and presented in themes. The investigation found that tutors’ attitudes on application of ICT integration were positive; they were enthusiastic of the new technology.  Though the tutors had positive attitude they did not integrate, they failed to utilize ICT integration in the teaching of Kiswahili thus it was not a practice the PTCs. The researcher recommends that, KICD to organize in-service trainings (INSETs) for all the tutors in PTCs on ICT integration in the teaching of Kiswahili.  ICT integration in teaching Kiswahili should be mandatory and tutors who integrate should be motivated.

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