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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Bio- Modification of Galactomannan Gums Which Extracted From Guar Seeds and Their Rheological Properties

( Volume 5 Issue 9,September 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. A. Ibrahim, A.A.Ragheb, A.Abd-EL Aty, J.I Abd- EL Thalouth, E.E.EL Sayed


Galactomannan gum is an importing group of Polysaccharides base, hydrocolloids are high molecular weight polymers and generally used in a growing number of application. at the present work Galactomannan gum which has been extracted from Guar seeds were modified using an ecofriendly and alternative way to the chemical classical modification using an enzymatic modification by Laccase enzyme, Cellulase enzyme and Brewer yeast this was by rheological properties of the prepared gum were measured as well as the native gum in addition to different storage time also for both modified and un modified guar one.


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