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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Brain Tumor Detection and Classification

( Volume 6 Issue 11,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Abhishek Kadu, Pragya Khandelwal, Shrija Keshari, Dhiraj Bhise


Deep learning, Brain tumor, Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), Feature Extraction, Segmentation, Classification.


Detecting tumor is one of the most crucial things for a doctor before moving on for the treatment.Traditionally tumor was detected by drilling an hole in the skull and a small portion    of tumor was taken out and examined. Nowadays with the help of ML and MRI images the detection has become an easier task.MRI images of patients are given to the system and the system performs the detection and classification on the given set of images. There are many different algorithms present for this task. In this paper there are some methods which reviewed for Brain tumor detection and classification. Brain MRI images are taken as input to our system.The key target is to provide doctors with a highly accurate system that classifies the type of tumor.

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