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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Brand Equity and Green Marketing as a Predictor Decision to Purchase with Mediation Spectrum Considerations Honda Beat Series Consumers in Surabaya City

( Volume 4 Issue 11,November 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Syaifurrizal Wijaya Putra, M. Dimyati, Bambang Irawan


Honda Beat Series became the best-selling motor in the year 2017 until 2018. This phenomenon is very unique given the increasingly competitive motorcycle industry competition. Several previous studies show the result that consumers are currently considering brand equity and green marketing before buying a product. Previous research has also shown that the spectrum of consumer considerations is what consumers do when they buy products.                This study aims to examine the influence of brand equity and green marketing as a predictor of purchasing decision with Mediation Spectrum Considerations Honda Beat Series Consumers in Surabaya City. Population in this research is consumer of Honda Beat Series which domiciled in Surabaya City. Sampling method used is non-probability sampling which is Accidental Sampling with the number of respondents as much as 150 people. Analytical tool used is Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that 1) Brand equity and green marketing can be a significant positive predictor of economic considerations, passive considerations, cognitive considerations and emotional considerations of Honda Beat Series consumers in Surabaya; 2) Economic considerations, passive considerations, cognitive considerations and emotional considerations can be a significant positive predictor of the purchase decision of Honda Beat Series in Surabaya; 3) Economic considerations, passive considerations, cognitive considerations and emotional considerations play significant role in mediating the influence of brand equity and green marketing on purchasing decisions of the Honda Beat Series in Surabaya.

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