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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Bus Route Optimization and Scheduling In Hyderabad City Using Arc-Gis in Association with Lumiplan Pvt. Ltd.

( Volume 5 Issue 5,May 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Noble Jose, Vincy Verghese, Dr. Anitha Jacob


Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to other place. It is the backbone of each economy. Different modes includes air, water, rail and road. The two important things considered before journey are, the route and the mode to reach the destination. The fleet management, logistics, and networking has got huge importance in this century. So without the above mentioned, the transportation system won’t be efficient. Public transportation is one of the most important mode of transportation which is being used by the common people. So proper optimized schedule results in increased dependence on public transportation system, that ultimately reduce the traffic congestion, pollution etc.                This project will be focussing on the city bus route system in Hyderabad, includes two pilot routes named route 40 (Secunderabad to Koti) and route 86J (Secunderabad Rathfile to Kesari hanuman Temple). The project is given to the French company in ITS field named LUMIPLAN ITS by the TSRTC (Telangana State Road Transport Corporartion)

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