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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Carbon Emission Cost Affects Location Decision: CO2 Efficient Area Yields to the Less Efficient

( Volume 1 Issue 6,October 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jiashi Liu, Zhongliang Guan, Wen-Chyuan Chiang, Xiang Xie


Due to the global warming problem, it is more urgent than ever to take carbon emission problem seriously. It is needed to take carbon emission cost into consideration. Gravity method is used to do location selection. Three aspects of work have been done. First, the carbon emission cost of a certain kind of truck is calculated. Second, the comparison between considering and not considering carbon emission is done. Third, a distance parameter is added to transfer straight-line distance to real distance. The research gets the result in two cases: case 1 single mode transportation tools are used, the best site has no changes with total cost rising; case 2 multi-mode transportation tools are used, the best site coordination has changed with cost rising in general except extraordinary case. At the end, we show the application of the model. The carbon emission cost affects the location modeling, the cost like carbon dioxide tax will drive the location center to move a little bit in the direction of the CO2 efficient area towards less efficient area. 

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