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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Chemical Evaluation and Nutritional Quality of Dried Kernels of Odyendya gabonensis (Pierre) Engl. (Simaroubaceae) Fruits from Gabon

( Volume 3 Issue 12,December 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Patrick Aubin DAKIA, Carine Bertille Leudeu TCHANKOU, Rene Noel POLIGUI, William Kwithony DISSEKA ,David Kouakou BROU ,Isaac MOUARAGADJA


The dried oleaginous kernels of Odyendya gabonensis fruits grown in Gabon, was investigated for its chemical characteristics and nutritive value. The analysis showed the following composition: moisture 6.21%, ash 2.05%, lipids 73.09% and crude protein 11.90%. The amino acid profile showed that essential amino acids are present in very interesting amounts, according to FAO standards except for methionine. The fatty acid profiles showed that stearic acid 41.60% and Oleic acid 50.21% were the principal fatty acids.

These data suggest that Odyendya gabonensis fruit dried kernel have a good nutritional value. The kernel could be extracted and proceded for edible or industrial oil, and the ground dried kernel (meal) could be used as human food.

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