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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Cloud Computing In School Education: A Study Enlightening Benefits and Challenges

( Volume 6 Issue 5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kishan Mali, Dr. Snehlata Kothari


Cloud Computing, Learning, Teaching, Cloud Technology, Student, Teacher


This study focuses on the benefits and challenges in school education and tends to achieve new paradigm by considering cloud computing. The advance learning and teaching methods in current education system over traditional education by adopting and implementing cloud computing technology and its impact factors. The study helps to understand learning and teaching in Govt. Schools, Private schools and other institutes of rural and urban areas. The findings of this study will acquire new paradigm and will be useful in forthcoming channel of education for the schools to plan for adopting new services in learning and teaching through cloud computing technology. There are so enough benefits of computer network facility but it seems very less use of one using computer facility. The schools of rural and urban areas have been taken for the research work and tried to highlight the gaps between traditional and modern learning and teaching.

In current scenario, Cloud computing has produced a greater impact in the education especially in rural areas of every state of India. In the education scenario 85% of the education system in India is covered by the rural sector. Rural Educational Institutions differ from their urban counterpart in the way that urban offers quality education with necessary infrastructure and abundant resources which lies most of the time underutilized. Providing the same standard of education to the rural as that of urban is not feasible due to the constraints such as cost, distance and expertise unwilling to travel to the rural. Hence, a method to overcome the above problem deploying the novel techniques in the field of education becomes vital. Our research is about providing support for improving the educational system in the rural area even when they are remotely located and geographically separated. The latest cloud computing technology is shared to the rural educational institutions at a reduced cost. The development in the field of cloud computing concepts like virtualization and SaaS proves help in sharing of educational resources at an affordable cost.

The educational institutions, schools, colleges, universities, administrators, teachers, and students would gain significant advantages from the new educational settings. The problems related to availability of infrastructure, software, hardware devices and their maintenance, electricity expenses and various other minor problems will be either overcome or can be reduced using Cloud technology. On the other part, the number of students is increasing willingly to get registered in schools, because students and parents have faith by seeing the hike in availability of the needed resources for betterment in education for mass number of students. Using cloud, education can produce a smart hands-on learning and teaching, and increasing the readiness of the students. Education system likely to allow teachers to better demonstrate the subjects' complexities to the students by renting needed facilities whenever it is desired. The study explores the effective learning and teaching in educational institutions.

This study produces a synthesis of information that guides classroom learning and teaching methods in the development and maintenance of the study of students with the advanced cloud technology and its features. The resulting analysis and interpretation provide a description of major themes that developed regarding strong teachers and students’ behaviors’ during learning and teaching, as well as, specific components to consideration for the student’s learning environment. The study is totally focused on analysis and implementation of cloud computing technology based services in Government and Private Schools in Rural and Urban areas of Udaipur District, Rajasthan. The primary objective of study is to find out information regarding awareness and application of cloud computing services concerning to the learning and teaching at School education.

The success of the resource sharing in the targeted educational institutions was measured quantitatively and qualitatively across several dimensions. This makes the strong base to replicate this framework in rural and urban areas as well. As a conclusion to the study, more researches are required at the basic level of schooling to upgrade education system for future generation with initiating various programs at State and Central level by Indian Government for widely implementation of Cloud Computing in School and College Education System.

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