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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Cluster Chelates Based on Microelements (Fe, Co, Cu) and Natural Raw Materials

( Volume 7 Issue 1,January 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

I.Beshkenadze, N.Zazashvili, M.Gogaladze, N. Klarjeishvili, M.Chichakua, M.Chikaidze, L.Gogua


Cluster, Chelate, Nucleoplasmic, “DAS”, Germ cells, Rabbit, Microelement, Premix.


The methods of the synthesis are demonstrated, and cluster chelate compounds of Fe, Co, and Cu are synthesized based on the metals acetates and plant-derived (complex of biologically active materials, nucleoplasmic and nano-cytoplasmic compounds of plant stem (embryonic, germ) cells) substance “DAS”. Depending on the synthesis conditions, different amounts of metals are combined in the synthesized compounds. The individuality of synthesized compounds is studied using the microelement analysis, radiographic and melting temperature methods. The qualitative solubility of compounds in various solvents has been studied as well.

To estimate the biological activity of synthesized cluster chelates in rabbits, preliminary research was carried out.

For the experiment, 30-day-old rabbits were selected by the principle of analogs. For the testing purposes were formed two groups of rabbits: I - experimental (feeding by combined food was balanced with a premix containing cluster chelates) and II - control (feeding by farm food). In each group were 10 animals. The rabbits were firstly weighed after 15 days since grouping at the age of 45 days, and the next weighing were at the age of 60; 90; and 120 days.

The study of live weight dynamics showed that the growth and development rates of the experimental group had an obvious advantage over the control group. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, we can conclude that supplementation of cluster chelates in the combined feed premixes of rabbits has a positive effect on the growth and development of their live weight and resistance. The optimal amounts of chelated microelements in the premix calculated on 100 kg of food are found as well.

The expediency of carrying out the main experiment to determine the rabbits average weight gain, feed uptake, and compensation during the growing is supposed.


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