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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Comment on Optical Methods in Blood Studies Upon Evaluation of Severity Rate of Diffuse Liver Pathology

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kruchinina M., Voevoda M., Peltek S., Kurilovich S., Gromov A., Kruchinin V., Rykhlitsky S., Volodin V., Generalov V., Shuvalov G.


Paper Increase in efficacy rate of early diagnosis of fibrotic changes in the liver remains to be the burning issue in modern hepatology as it is difficult to diagnose the early stage of fibrosis due to its asymptomatic course.  Progression of fibrosis in 60-80% of cases results in diagnosis of the disease at the stage of liver cirrhosis. This results in the increased rates of hospitalization, invalidity and mortality as well as economic losses due to therapy of liver cirrhosis and its complications including liver transplantation. The degree of fibrosis and its progression rate predetermine prognosis of the disease and the choice of therapy. Specification of the stage of the disease in hepatologic diagnosis is an obligatory component along with etiology and activity rate of the process. Therefore, it is of importance to diagnose the disease at its early stages and to evaluate the dynamics in accumulation of the fibrotic tissue.

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