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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Comparative Analysis of Chassis of Various Sections Used In Heavy Vehicle Tata Truck 1618 Using Ansys

( Volume 6 Issue 11,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Durgesh Singh Bhadauriya, Prof. Kamlesh Kushwaha


chassis, frame work, CATIA, ANSYS, analysis, stress, deformation.


This work has been done to find out the better option of all part of chassis has been designed and develops with the help of CATIA and ANSYS software. But for check theoretical analysis has also done. All part is safe as a design point of view. Comparative analysis has also been done. Analyzing the results it found chassis that which section is better than various cross sections of chassis. The main objective of this document is to find out best suitable cross section design for TATA 1618 Model chassis and also optimizing the design. The work of this chassis is to design and developed by CATIA and its analyzing is done with ANSYS software and it also cross verified with theoretical mathematical calculation analysis. In this chassis, we use various sections i.e., ‘C type’, ‘I type’ and ‘box type’. This thesis presents an analysis of the static stress that acting on the upper surface of the truck chassis. In this work we study about the distribution of stress and deformation that acting on the chassis and also for failure of critical parts. In this work used to numerical analysis method is finite element analysis.

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