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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Comparative Studies of Diesel Fuel Properties with Biodiesel and Recycled Diesel

( Volume 7 Issue 10,October 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sivanthaperumal Pilla, Thaminum Ansari


Biofuel, Re-refining of used motor oil, Renewable fuels, Trans esterification.


This research investigated the comparative studies of diesel fuel properties with renewable diesel and recycled diesel. Nowadays the disposal of used engine oil and used cooking oil are major problem due to the ecological pollution. Both are discarded into the ground or landfills which neither protects the environment nor conserves it resource value. Recycling of used motor oil and used cooking oil can produce more valuable products which can be reuse again without any pollution. The main objective of this research is to focuses the development of an alternative method that is ecofriendly and produces good quality renewable fuels and to compare the properties of diesel fuel with renewable diesels like Bio diesel and recycled diesel. In this study the method used to re-refining used motor oil is acid treatment, vacuum distillation followed by activated charcoal treatment. By using trans- esterification process we can change the used cooking oil as a fuel called Biodiesel. After the effective preparation of the diesel fuel samples from the above methods it’s blended with fresh diesel called Blended diesel. This paper gives a brief review about the properties of all the diesels derived from used engine oil, used cooking oil and blended diesels were analyzed and compared with the fresh diesel properties.

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